Get 2014 Right Now

strategy process

Do you want 2014 to be a better year than 2013? Of course you do and before you accuse me of asking a dumb question, here’s another one. What are you going to do to make sure that it is?

Not so easy to answer. You might know it’ll be better because you’re a start-up that’s in its early growth phase or you’ve just won a big contract. Unfortunately, most businesses don’t make a point of changing anything and simply hope that next year will be better.

I’ve written some posts in the past on how to prepare to make your next year better than the last and so, instead of repeating myself, it makes sense to point you to them.

7 Steps to Checking Your Business is Ready for 2012

This was clearly written at the end of 2011 and gives you 7 things you should do now if you want next year to be far better than the last.

Pre-plan Your Plan

This post talks about what you need to do to get this planning phase right.

Do You Have the Right Mind set

In this post I talked about why it’s vital that you and your team have the right mind set for this process in order to make it work.

You can’t bank on next year being better unless you plan for it to be. So, check out these posts and article, take the advice and set aside enough time to properly prepare for next year.

Of course, if you need help to do this, please don’t hesitate to contact me.